Monday, September 10, 2012

We're not in Kansas anymore...

Finally made it into Colorado! Mike and I even saw a dust devil, which looks like a mini tornado, as we cross the boarder from Kansas into Colorado. Tonight will just be a relaxing night in, but tomorrow Mike has some fun Colorado adventures in store for me. It's going to definitely be a nice break from driving!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Kansas State Fair!!

While I was planning my trip earlier this summer, I was determined to see a state fair. Lucky for me, I worked with a Kansas native and hear about the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson, Kansas! It was an absolute blast. Since I had my friend Mike with me, I decided to bring out my big camera to capture some fun moments, but of course I lost my cord, so I'll post those photos once I replace it. For now, here's a photo I had snapped with my phone!


Kansas City was a blast! It was so nice to see my big Morgen again and see her new living situation! She's volunteering for JVC this year before heading off to law school and I'm so glad to have seen her and met the other kids she'll be working with.
For the next half of my trip I'm finally going to have a friend to do it with so I'll be picking a good friend from school, Mike, up from the airport in a bit. We've known each other since we were in diapers so it will be fun to share this adventure!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Gateway to the West

Officially about to enter the western part of my trip! Today my housemate for this year, Ellyn, showed me around her fabulous city. We walked down Washington Ave and saw some of the hot spots then headed over to the arch. It was so big that we had a hard time getting a photo where you can see us and the arch (the guy who took our photo didn't even try to get the arch in the shot!), but we fixed that by finding one of the miniature painted arches!
It was so nice being able to meet her family and friends and finally put faces to names! Now off to Kansas City to see my big!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Cloud Gate

I had so much fun in Chicago yesterday. I met up with an old friend, Annie Lawlor who showed me around Buddy Guy's jazz club where she works and then over to the very cool cloud gate! Then we went off to dinner before meeting up with her younger sister Windy and older brother Danny. It was so nice seeing them all again!

Now I am off to St. Louis to see my amazing housemate and friend, Ellyn. Until next time Chicago!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Just got into Chicago, and I already love it! My fabulous neighbors the Kauffman's graciously allowed me to spend the night at their apartment and all I can say is wow! I almost don't want to leave this amazing view, but I'm also so excited to see my old neighbors, babysitters, and friends Annie and Windy tonight.

Breakfast stop

Just got Starbucks and Panera at one of the fancy rest stops in Ohio!